Common Questions From Parents
All of these questions and more go through the minds of parents who are considering chiropractic care for their kids. Some parents are hesitant about getting their children adjusted even though they are under care themselves. Our kids are so special to us that sometimes, in an effort to protect them, we become overprotective and deprive them of necessary and valuable experiences.
After all, they have nerve systems that control and coordinate all of their body functions just as you do. And, just like you, they can get subluxations that will interfere with the full outward expression of their Life force.
The only difference is that they still have an entire lifetime ahead of them in which to manifest the results of what they do today. It’s Never Too Soon Subluxations can occur at any time. The first one may very well have occurred at your baby’s birth. That is why parents who understand the importance of being subluxation-free have their newborns examined by their chiropractor as soon after birth as possible. By correcting subluxations at an early age, the damage that inevitably comes from functioning at less than optimal levels can be prevented. The longer a subluxation is present, the greater the damage. In addition, the longer a subluxation is present, the longer your child’s body will continue to “reproduce itself” (i.e., grow) in the wrong way! “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree!” Many people who come into a chiropractor’s office for the first time as adults would have had far greater potential for regaining their health if they had received regular chiropractic care as children. Kids Make Great Patients! Adjusting a child is not a difficult procedure. In fact, in most cases, a child’s spine is much easier to adjust than an adult’s. They have not had the long-standing subluxations, their muscles are usually not as tense and they are usually more relaxed in general than adults.
It’s Worth The Effort Chiropractic adjustments are generally painless. Children may, on the first visit or two, be somewhat reluctant. However, they rarely hesitate to get on the table to be adjusted, especially when they see that visiting the chiropractor is a family affair. When they see Mom, Dad and their brothers and sisters getting adjusted, they are usually more than willing to be checked for subluxations too. We will work with you so that your children will become accustomed to their adjustments. In fact, in a very short period of time, most kids really look forward to their regular chiropractic visits. Those Chiropractic adjustments are vital to their good health, and the few tears that may occur on the first visit (usually because of fear of the unknown), are well worth the benefits to our precious little ones. Obviously, children who are adjusted regularly from infancy think of their visits to the chiropractor as a regular part of their lives and are not the least bit hesitant to climb onto the adjusting table. Chiropractic Care is Vital to Your Child’s Health and Life! Lastly, it is of great importance that parents not think of adjustments for their children as “something they might as well do since their kids have come along to the office with them anyway.” Chiropractic care for your children is vital to their health and is an absolute necessity to their development and for actualization of their full potential in every area of life. We have a Family Plan that makes it affordable for most families to receive the care they need. The money saved on treatments for illness is often enough to convince most parents of the benefits of family care. But, the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have provided your children with the best possible chance to perform at their best is the greatest benefit of all! |