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Welcome to Bullock Family Chiropractic in Lexington, KY
Lexington Chiropractor, Dr. Jacob Bullock, D.C.
A Health and Wellness Center for Your Entire Family!
Bullock Family Chiropractic is dedicated to helping families in Lexington and Central Kentucky improve their quality of life. We know that health & wellness is so much more than just not feeling pain. We strive to have our patients reach their fullest innate potential.
We welcome you to our web site. It is our hope that the following pages can be of assistance to you in some way. Whether you are a current or future chiropractic patient, the following pages are designed to empower you to reach your personal and professional goals. We offer the information contained on this chiropractic website to everyone seeking knowledge on the wonders of good health & wellness through chiropractic.
2028 Regency Road Lexington, KY 40503 (859) 272-0099
Bullock Family Chiropractic Lexington Chiropractor, Jacob Bullock
A Health and Wellness Center for Your Entire Family!
Bullock Family Chiropractic Receives 2009 Best Chiropractor of
What People are saying about Bullock Family Chiropractic and Chiropractor, Jacob Bullock:
Going to the Chiropractor, A Natural Alternative!!
I was referred to Chiropractor, Dr. Jacob, after I had whiplash caused by a recent car accident. My life has been greatly enhanced because of my regular check-ups; I have less pain and more mobility. I fear that I would have been addicted to prescription drugs for my pain without Dr. Jacob. I greatly appreciate a natural alternative to prescription medicines. I like the accommodating and caring atmosphere of the office. Whenever I hear someone with a body ache I recommend making an appointment at Bullock Family Chiropractic. I love: going to the chiropractor, as a natural alternative to medicines and being pain free. Anyone who has been in a car accident needs to see a chiropractor.
Pamela G.
After going to the Chiropractor, I Am A New Person!!
I heard of Bullock Family Chiropractic through a friend. I was glad to be informed because I had currently been suffering from back pain for five years. I am like a new person since starting. I had just started living with the pain on a daily basis and did not realize how bad it was until it was gone. I would have completely stopped exercising without chiropractic care. I probably would have spent a ton of money on searching for a remedy from my pain. I am glad that for the rest of my life I will be able to keep up with my kids and play with them. I appreciate the fact that my chiropractor, Dr. Bullock, sincerely cares about my health. If you are serious about your health and wellness Bullock Family Chiropractic is the perfect office for you. I absolutely recommend chiropractic care to others.
Tracey Q.
Allergies Gone after seeing my Chiropractor!!
I came to Dr. Bullock’s office because of allergy problems and a pinched nerve in my neck. Since starting I have had no allergy problems and my pinch nerve went away. In the future, I would see my health declining without chiropractic. I am enjoying my amazing results and I plan on coming regularly. Going to the chiropractor is health & wellness. I refer others to my chiropractor, Dr. Jacob, because of the results my family has seen and because of the encouraging staff. I have experience nothing but positive benefits from Bullock Family Chiropractic.
Susannah L.
Monday |
9:00 - 12:30 & 3:00 - 6:30
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
9:00 - 12:30 & 3:00 - 6:30
Thursday |
Friday |
8:30 - 12:30 & 3:00 - 6:30
Saturday |
10:00 - 11:00 2 per month (varies)
Sunday |
Closed |